Installing a D compiler
The easiest way is to download the relevant DMD compiler for your platform and follow your platform specific instructions to install the precompiled binaries. Users on MacOS can use homebrew to install dmd or the ldc compilers.
You can use your favourite text editor to create a file hello.d, type the following code,
import std.stdio;
void main() {
writeln("I am ready to use BioD!");
$ dmd hello.d //compile it
$ ./hello // run the compiled program
$ I am ready to use BioD
Using BioD in your project
To take advantage of BioD in your project, you can include the library as a dependency using DUB, D's package management utility. However if you do not like DUB, you can clone the library into your existing project directory and link to it during compiling step as shown below:
$ dmd -I../path_to_biod -i my_biod_source.d
Examples of using BioD
BioD is very efficient in manipulating BAM files(The compressed version of SAM files) and used to represet aligned sequences. A BAM file contains a header section and an alignment section.Header contain information about the file such as Sample name, length, and alignment method. The alignment section contains information bout the read name, read sequence, read quality, the alignment information and some custom tags.
Reading a BAM file
We can use the BioD library to read a BAM file. This example reads a BAM file and performs a query for specific columns. We create a BAM object and retrieve information about specific reads spanning a region. We then create a pileup and iterate over this pileup.
We get this information from one of the positions.Reading a BAM file 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
import std.stdio; import bio.std.hts.bam.reader; import bio.std.hts.bam.pileup; void main() { auto bam = new BamReader("my_file.bam"); auto reads = bam["chr1"][150 .. 160]; auto pileup = makePileup(reads,false,155, 158); foreach (column; pileup) { writeln("Reference position: ", column.position); writeln(" Coverage: ", column.coverage); writeln(" Reads:"); foreach (read; column.reads) { writefln("%30s\t%s\t%.2d\t%s\t%2s/%2s\t%2s/%2s\t%10s\t%s %s",, read.current_base, read.current_base_quality, read.cigar_operation, read.cigar_operation_offset + 1, read.cigar_operation.length, read.query_offset + 1, read.sequence.length, read.cigarString(), read.cigar_before, read.cigar_after); } } }
example output for a single position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Reference position: 155 Coverage: 11 Reads: EAS221_3:4:30:1452:1563 A 27 35M 35/35 35/35 35M [] [] EAS114_45:1:77:1000:1780 A 22 35M 34/35 34/35 35M [] [] EAS114_45:4:48:310:473 A 24 35M 34/35 34/35 35M [] [] B7_591:2:279:124:41 A 20 36M 33/36 33/36 36M [] [] EAS112_32:8:89:254:332 A 26 35M 33/35 33/35 35M [] [] B7_597:7:103:731:697 A 25 35M 32/35 32/35 35M [] [] EAS139_11:2:71:83:58 A 27 9M 9/ 9 9/35 9M2I24M [] [2I, 24M] EAS192_3:4:63:5:870 A 27 9M 9/ 9 9/35 9M2I24M [] [2I, 24M] EAS139_19:2:29:1822:1881 A 27 7M 7/ 7 7/40 7M2I31M [] [2I, 31M] EAS221_3:2:100:1147:124 G 27 35M 7/35 7/35 35M [] [] EAS192_3:8:6:104:118 G 27 35M 3/35 3/35 35M [] []
Reading multiple BAM files
We can also read information from multiple bam files!
Expected outputreading multiple bam files 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
import bio.std.hts.bam.multireader; import : compareCoordinates; import bion.std.hts.bam.pileup; import std.algorithm; import std.conv; import std.stdio; void main(){ // if the bam files can be merged, they can be transversed simultinously auto bam = new MultiBamReader(["../test/data/illu_20_chunk.bam", "../test/data/ion_20_chuck.bam"]); auto pileup = makePileup(bam.reads,true,32_000_083,32_000_089); foreach(column;pileup) writeln("Column position: ", column.position); writeln(" Ref.base: ", column.reference_base); writeln(" Coverage: ", column.coverage); } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Column position: 32000083 Ref.base: G Coverage: 23 Column position: 32000084 Ref.base: C Coverage: 23 Column position: 32000085 Ref.base: C Coverage: 23 Column position: 32000086 Ref.base: C Coverage: 24 Column position: 32000087 Ref.base: C Coverage: 24 Column position: 32000088 Ref.base: T Coverage: 24